Following the organization of a grandiose wedding for his daughter, MP Nawaf Sahel announced the suspension of his membership of Hezbollah pending disciplinary measures that could be taken against him. He also announces to apologize to people who were shocked by the organization of this wedding, while Lebanon is going through a serious economic crisis that has led to a deterioration of more than 90% of the value of the Lebanese pound and a significant loss. purchasing power.

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Libnanews est un site d'informations en français sur le Liban né d'une initiative citoyenne et présent sur la toile depuis 2006. Notre site est un média citoyen basé à l’étranger, et formé uniquement de jeunes bénévoles de divers horizons politiques, œuvrant ensemble pour la promotion d’une information factuelle neutre, refusant tout financement d’un parti quelconque, pour préserver sa crédibilité dans le secteur de l’information.

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