Banque BEMO launches the second edition of its last year’s “Back to our Cedars Roots” – an initiative aiming at restoring pride in what Lebanon stands for and reinforcing the sense of belonging for anyone of Lebanese origin. 

Banque BEMO also wants to cast the attention on the unfairness suffered by Lebanese women who are unable to pass the Lebanese nationality to their children; and stands firm on its support to the duty of getting their full rights. 

This year, 200 cedar trees will be allocated in a draw on 22 November 2022, the Lebanese Independence Day, to 200 persons of Lebanese origin, living abroad and not having a father of Lebanese nationality. 

All details, to participate in this draw, are available on this link Back to Our Cedar Roots 2022.

Banque BEMO reaffirms once again its statement, “2022 is the year of Revival”. The Bank believes that Lebanon is for everyone who has roots in the country, it is a message and not only a country, and this message is one of openness and generosity.

(*) This year’s edition of Banque BEMO “Back to Our Cedar Roots” falls within its strategic partnership in support of “Arztak Hawytak” – a sustainable and environmental initiative to afforest 10,452 cedar trees in the municipal land of Ehden – launched by Rotary Club Beirut Cadmos in collaboration with Jouzour Loubnan, Global Compact Network Lebanon and Municipality of Zgharta-Ehden.

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