Lebanon / History: The National Pact

In 1943, what will be called the National Pact will be concluded between Béchara el Khoury and Riad el Solh. It is above all...

Lebanon / History: The Great Famine of Mount Lebanon during WW1

This famine will cause between 100,000 and 300,000 deaths in Mount Lebanon, or between a third to half of the population, then estimated at...

Lebanon / Cuisine: Shawarma, a typical Lebanese dish

Chicken, lamb or beef sandwich, served in a pita bread, shawarma is a Lebanese dish of Turkish origin. The name Shawarma comes from the...

Lebanon / Heritage: the stelae of Nahr el Kalb

Not very far from us, we tend to forget, the famous historic valley of Nahr el Kalb, site now classified by Unesco as "Memory...

The Shrine of the Virgin of Harissa (with video)

This well-known shrine in Lebanon was born from the idea in 1904 of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Conception, proclaimed...

Lebanon / Heritage: Cedars under the snow

After visiting the Jaj cedars or from Barouk , we therefore go to the most mythical forest in Lebanon, or the Cedars of God...

Lebanon / Heritage: The great juniper of Lebanon

The large juniper, of its Latin name Juniperus Excelsa , is known in Lebanon as Lezzeb. Highly appreciated by the Egyptians and Phoenicians, it...

Lebanon / Heritage: The cutlery of Jezzine

Jezzine, is a city located in the South of Lebanon, famous for its beautiful residences, its old churches, its waterfall over 40 m high...

Lebanon / History: May 25, 2000 and the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon

Lebanon has been commemorating "Liberation Day" every May 25 since 2000, which is actually the anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal. This historical period straddles that...
The ceremony of July 14, 2009 in At Tiri in South Lebanon in the company of the French Contingent of UNIFIL. Photo credit: Libnanews.com, all rights reserved.

The United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) in Lebanon

UNIFIL was created on the initiative of French General Jean Cuq, the latter will become his first second in command in 1978 to deal...

Mlita, the Hezbollah Museum

Mlita, the famous Hezbollah museum, far from being a vulgar amusement park with its security dimension and whose mission is to inform the Lebanese...

Lebanon / History: Lebanon in the turmoil of WWII and its independence

Lebanon, under French mandate since 1920, entered the turmoil of the Second World War when many questions arose, including that of its accession to...
Carte du génocide arménien en 1915. Chaque cercle représente un massacre. Il y en a de trois types de lieux de massacre : les centres de contrôles (en rouge), les postes (en rose) et les camps de concentration et d'extermination (en noir). La taille des cercles indique le nombre relatif d'Arméniens tués. Les épées indiquent les lieux de résistance arménienne : ceux ou elle a été plus forte sont en rouge, et moins forte en noir. Les différentes tailles d'épées ne signifient rien, c'est uniquement dû à un problème de place sur la carte. Les cercles présents en Mer Noire indiquent les Arméniens (principalement des femmes et des enfants) emmenés par bateaux et jetés à la mer.

The rich history of the Armenian presence in Lebanon

The only Arab country to have recognized the Armenian genocide since May 11, 2000, Lebanon is home to the 8th Armenian diaspora in the...

Lebanon/History: Who is Saint Rafqa?

Born in Himlaya, in the northern Metn on June 29, 1832, her father was Mourad Saber el-Chobok el-Rayess and her mother Rafqa Gemayel. She...
