Just hours after the televised address by Hezbollah’s secretary general who announced yesterday that the Shiite movement had completed preparations to import fuel from Iran, US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea responded, believing that importing fuel ships from Iran was “really not a solution”.

Speaking on the airwaves of the Al Jadeed channel, she also attacked Lebanese parties who are trying to obtain a blocking third party in a new government.

“Now is the time to build a government, not to block a government”
Dorothy Shea, Friday June 25 on Al Jadeed

Dorothy Shea expressed the concerns of American leaders anxious to avoid a collapse of Lebanon without however designating the parties responsible, according to her, for blocking the process of forming the next cabinet.

I don’t know if there is a party that deserves the blame, but I can tell you that there is a desperate need for a fully empowered government that is committed and capable of implementing reforms, stopping bleeding, to start stabilizing the economy
Dorothy Shea, Friday June 25 on Al Jadeed

It strongly attacked a possible importation of Iranian fuels in Lebanon, a country which currently suffers from a shortage of gasoline and fuel oil, being today unable to import it due to a lack of liquidity. She believes that this proposal aims to transform the Land of the Cedars into a satellite state.

There are other alternatives for providing fuel and electricity to the Lebanese people, she said, including eradicating corruption. “If we could eradicate corruption from your energy and power sectors, half of the problem will be addressed,” notes the ambassador.

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