The kafta bel saniye, a Lebanese recipe

A variation of kafta, Kafta bel Saniyeh comes in the form of a meatball, mixed with a tomato-based sauce and served with traditional Lebanese rice with vermicelli.

The kafta is a plan served from India to the western shores of the Mediterranean, proof of its success.

The preparation of Kafta

The ingredients for 4 people

For the meat

The little trick
Usually prepared with lean meat, however prefer meat with 10% to 15% fat to prevent the bites from being too hard on the palate.

1 kilo of fine ground beef
1 bunch of parsley
1 large onion
and salt and pepper

The preparation

Whether in a ball or on a skewer, finely chop the parsley and finely dice the onion.

Mix everything with the meat, a little salt and pepper to taste.

Form meatballs that you will fry in a pan so that they can keep their shape. Grill them a little.

And then, here it is for the Kafta

For the rest of the recipe

However, it is then a matter of preparing the rest of the necessary ingredients.

3 potatoes
500 grams of Coeur de Boeuf tomatoes,
a pinch of cinnamon

Cut part of the tomatoes into slices and keep the other part of the tomatoes to make a coulis. You can add a pinch of cinnamon. Add a little water, pepper and salt if necessary so that the sauce is not thick.

Cut the potatoes into rather thick slices.

Mix everything and add the meat that you had previously browned.

Put in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

The little trick: let the meat and potatoes soak in the sauce. Serve this dish the next day with vermicelli rice