The building of the Council of the Lebanese Order of Doctors.

The president of the council of the medical order, Sharaf Abou Charaf, denounced the decision of the minister of labor Mustafa Hussein Bayram allowing the exercise of medicine by Palestinian refugees. It notes that the publication of this decree violates several local laws regulating this sector of activity.

Thus, the regulations in force induce a reciprocity agreement between Lebanon and the nationals of this country. Such an agreement does not exist with the Palestinian state, leading to a nullity of the decree of the Minister of Labor.

Moreover, no doctor has the right to practice medicine on Lebanese soil without affiliation to one of the two unions, after having fulfilled the required conditions, which is not the case for Palestinian practitioners. The annual contribution of non-Lebanese doctors is determined by the General Assembly.

Such a modification of the regulations in force cannot therefore be done by simple decree of the Minister of Labor but requires an amendment of the current texts by the Parliament.

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