Relations between ancient Egypt and the Phoenician kingdoms are obviously ancient. We can remember the legend of Isis and Osiris. Isis, on the way to find the body of her late husband murdered by her brother Seth, angered by a wind coming from a valley, would have dried up with a glance. This valley would be none other than that of Fidar, located south of the Ancient City of Byblos.

It is also in Byblos that she will discover the body of her late husband in the trunk of a precious tree, long worked by water and salt, and which will be one of the pillars of the King’s Palace. She will then take him to Egypt, resuscitate him and have Horus together. But this is another legend.

The city of Byblos will thus supply in particular the wood of the Cedars necessary for the construction of many objects of which the famous solar boat of Khéops, discovered only in 1954 at the foot of the pyramid bearing the same name.

It is also in this same city of Byblos that many remains of Egyptian inspiration will be discovered. This city was one of the main trading partners of ancient Egypt as they would be called today.

One would almost like to imagine Phoenician ships leaving the port of Byblos with holds full of cedar wood and various objects and on return jewelry made of gold and precious stones.

Some of his objects are exhibited at the National Museum of Beirut.

Egyptian-inspired objects found in Byblos and exhibited at the National Museum of Beirut

Egyptian-influenced jewelry from the Bronze Age (Byblos)

Some of these jewels feature hieroglyphics.

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