The ceremony of July 14, 2009 in At Tiri in South Lebanon in the company of the French Contingent of UNIFIL. Photo credit:, all rights reserved.

A new incident between residents of an unspecified locality and members of UNIFIL took place overnight, says the deputy director of the UNIFIL information office, Candice Ardell who indicates that UNIFIL vehicles were damaged and stolen personal items.

She indicated that members of UNIFIL on their way to join a Lebanese army patrol were not taking photos and were not on private property during the incident.

UNIFIL condemns attacks against men and women who serve the cause of peace, which are violations of Lebanese and international law. UNIFIL also condemns the actors who manipulate the population of the region to serve their purposes, specifies the official who recalls that the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, had spoken recently during his stay in Lebanon. in this regard, stressing that UNIFIL “should enjoy total freedom of movement throughout its area of operations, and in the form accepted by the Lebanese government”.

UNIFIL therefore calls on the Lebanese authorities to conduct a prompt and thorough investigation and to prosecute all those responsible for these crimes.

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