Some petrol stations have set up quick access lines to doctors, something requested by the council of the order of doctors because of emergencies, but also in favor of judges. This is particularly the case of LiquidGas and Coral petrol stations.

This information comes at a time when the lines in front of the petrol stations keep getting longer due to the fuel shortage linked to the inability of the Banque du Liban to grant the lines of credit necessary for the unloading of the tankers yet present along the Lebanese coasts.

Thus, some sources of fuel distributors estimate that Lebanon would only have 6 days of fuel reserves before existing stocks are exhausted.

Newsdesk Libnanews
Libnanews est un site d'informations en français sur le Liban né d'une initiative citoyenne et présent sur la toile depuis 2006. Notre site est un média citoyen basé à l’étranger, et formé uniquement de jeunes bénévoles de divers horizons politiques, œuvrant ensemble pour la promotion d’une information factuelle neutre, refusant tout financement d’un parti quelconque, pour préserver sa crédibilité dans le secteur de l’information.

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