United Nations personnel in Lebanon are urged to be cautious in a letter that has been authenticated due to the deteriorating social and economic conditions.

Thus, the department in charge of the security of the organization advised to make sure to have enough food and water for a period of one to two weeks, and in particular cans.

Also, the tanks of their vehicles must be filled and caution is required when passing through gas stations due to incidents that have recently filled up following fuel shortages.

Stocks of treatments for people suffering from chronic diseases must be kept for a period of 2 to 3 months, just as, for staff with young children, stocks of breast milk.

A certain amount of money, both in Lebanese pounds and in dollars, must be available in case of emergency, just like candles, flashlights or matches in the event of untimely blackouts.

Newsdesk Libnanews
Libnanews est un site d'informations en français sur le Liban né d'une initiative citoyenne et présent sur la toile depuis 2006. Notre site est un média citoyen basé à l’étranger, et formé uniquement de jeunes bénévoles de divers horizons politiques, œuvrant ensemble pour la promotion d’une information factuelle neutre, refusant tout financement d’un parti quelconque, pour préserver sa crédibilité dans le secteur de l’information.

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