Accueil Etiquettes Fouad Abou Nader

Etiquette: Fouad Abou Nader

Lebanon / History: Bachir Gemayel

On September 14, 1982, Bachir Gemayel disappeared, just 3 weeks after being elected President of the Lebanese Republic, assassinated in an attack which will...

On the occasion of the release of his book, « Lebanon: the challenges of freedom »,...

Lebanon: the challenges of freedom is published in France by Éditions de l'Observatoire. The opportunity to question its author, Dr Fouad Abou Nader, president...

The « Christian » Samir Geagea, destroyer of the rights of Christians

Samir Geagea, leader of the Lebanese Forces (FL) party, gave an interview to Radio Liban Libre (RLL) on 18 February 2021. He said that...