Ambassador of the European Union Ralph Tarraf visited Northern Beqaa today to meet with local authorities and communities, and to visit projects benefitting the people in the region.

Ambassador Tarraf visited Al Qaa, where he inaugurated a hill-lake, part of a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Economic Social Fund for Development (ESFD), which aims at revitalizing local economy in Lebanon. The hill lake has a total capacity of 180,000 m3, and collects water from Al Labwe spring and from the surrounding watersheds. It ensures additional irrigation water supply, and most importantly stabilizes the supply of water, in an area where most of the population relies on agriculture.

Afterwards, Ambassador Tarraf moved to Nabi Osmane and Labwe, where he visited other projects in the water sector, financed by the European Union and implemented by GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile. In Nabi Osmane, he saw the new borehole and pumping station, and witnessed the improvements brought about by the new water facilities to the life of the local population. In Labwe, he visited the Beqaa Water Establishment local office and the spring booster station, rehabilitated within the project.

“We are aware of how much a stable water supply influences the economic opportunities and the daily life in this area.” Ambassador Tarraf said. “Together with local authorities and our partners, we are improving the water infrastructure, creating job opportunities, strengthening the agricultural sector, and ensuring water availability for all. It is our priority, as European Union, to address the needs of the local population.” 

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