Beirut is getting ready to host the fifth edition of Whisky Live, the world-renowned event for whisky connoisseurs and enthusiasts. Taking place at Seaside Pavilion from December 1 till December 3, Whisky Live Beirut will bring together 60 specialized producers, distributors and suppliers, offering visitors a rare opportunity to taste some of the finest international whiskies, including premium single malts, bourbons, Scotch, Irish and Japanese whiskies.

On this occasion, Ms. Joumana Dammous Salame, Managing Director of Hospitality Services and event organizer, stated that: “After celebrating four successful shows in the past, we are thrilled to be planning our fifth edition of Whisky Live Beirut, which is a one of-a-kind event in the whole region”.  She added: “In our last edition in 2019, we welcomed over 3,000 whisky lovers, and we’re expecting an even greater number to attend this year’s edition. People truly enjoy this event and have missed attending it in the last two years, which were difficult due to the pandemic and the current Lebanese crisis. However, despite these circumstances, things are beginning to take a positive turn.” 

In addition to new releases by world-famous whisky brands, a selection of Lebanese whiskies and gins will be launched at the show, highlighting Lebanese innovation and entrepreneurship. In this regard, Ms. Dammous Salame said that: “Supporting local production is a fundamental part of our philosophy, and we are extremely excited to hold the fifth edition, that will pay tribute to the manufacturers who are introducing new products to the alcoholic beverage market”.  

It is worth pointing out that more than 20 small-group masterclasses will be taking place during the three-day event. Likewise, the classes which are led by international brand ambassadors, will allow the visitors to learn about different kinds of limited-edition whisky bottles and even taste them. Moreover, the new addition to the 2022 program, the Chefs’ Table, is expected to host exclusive whisky-pairing charity dinners with the participation of famous celebrity chefs. Furthermore, full proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to three associations that support families and children in need of specialized medical treatments.

Moreover, the VIP Table and Star Bar will provide whisky enthusiasts with unique spaces to enjoy rare whiskies and to interact with renowned international whisky experts. Finally, the Whisky Boutique by The Malt Gallery will feature a rich selection of whiskies for guests to purchase at special prices. 

The Whisky live Beirut event will be held from December 1 till December 3, from 5:00 PM till 11:00 PM, at Seaside Pavilion.

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