Beirut, March 15, 2024: Lebanese gymnast Matteo El Beyrouthi (11 years old) participated in the 2024 International Gymnastics Championship, organized by the UAE Gymnastics Federation in collaboration with the Star Gymnastics Academy. Athletes from several Arab countries participated in this championship, including the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Representing Lebanon from the Buddha Club in Adma, Matteo El Beyrouthi (11 years old) demonstrated outstanding performance, where he managed to secure 4 medals in 6 gymnastics competitions within his age group (Level Four): the gold medal for the Parallel Bar, the gold medal for the Ring, the bronze medal for the Floor, and the bronze medal for the Pommel Horse. He achieved second place in his age category based on the total points earned.

It is worth noting that Matteo El Beyrouthy is participating in this tournament for the second consecutive year. He has been the Lebanese champion in gymnastics for the past three years.

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