06 – An episode in the continuing Nakba –

In the midst of the most horrid, “live” human crime in the history of humanity, 200 days into the ethnocide of Palestinians in Palestine, Biden claims: cannibals, in Papua New Guinea, ate his uncle (I presume he means a very very long time ago).

What a piece of “Breaking” news the whole world, living on its nerves, was waiting for !

And to wonder about the reason, or reasons, behind this irrelevant and unwarranted declaration, especially at this time in the history of human savagery.

The declaration went flat, quickly, and did not attract the full attention or comments which is usually its consideration. In other words, it did not go viral. But.. It was clear that the ill-timing was aimed at arousing sympathy around a much-in-trouble POTUS. But what a stupid story…

First, the unhappy “incident” remains to be certified: there was an “uncle” to Biden who was wandering, in Papua at that time and he was eaten (a very raw piece of news !…).

Second, there needs an explanation as to why he was there, on what mission and for what purpose.

Third, the “tragedy” should be documented via official reports, photos, interviews and…“stories”.

Fourth, it should report on the “criminals”, the circumstances, the mitigating reasons … Then come our queries:

What was the “Uncle” doing there at that time? For what purpose, or on what mission? Was he alone or were “The Men from Uncle” with him?

What right did he have to be doing whatever he was doing there? In fact, and by extrapolation, who gives this right?

On the survival question we comment: the cannibals were most probably hungry… and got a stomach ache after. Did anyone check on this probability? For the “uncle” was naturally yet another source of proteins… just like any other animal hitchhiking on jungle tracks !

And if the last assumption proves reasonable, we then ask you, the civilised of the Garden of white Europe, why are you systematically forever killing so many people around the world, and especially in Gaza now, where, to live, has become synonymous with how to survive.. Why doesn’t your “Spearhead of Human Animals”, which you

planted in the “Sea (Cradle) of Ancient Civilisations” in Western Asia, eat whom they kill? They are not hungry? What a waste ! (In “pure” animal logic).

What, may we ask, is USA’s and the Biden tribe’s plan for the day after? I presume that, according to the well-repeated US tribal strategy, they should seek revenge and wage war, even at this very late time, on Papua New Guinea. Why not? It will be fun to read the war slogan of the “Coalition of the Hungry” saying:

Hayyan Salim Haidar

Lebanon, North of Palestine, May, 8th 2024.

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