The shortage of drugs is already affecting Lebanon, say many observers. At the same time, drug importers are currently indicating that their last stocks are running out and are warning of an imminent worsening of the crisis for this month of June.

In question, the inability of the Bank of Lebanon to pay the arrears of the imports of drugs for several months, a debt which would represent nearly 600 million dollars already vis-à-vis the drug manufacturers. In addition to paracetamol for a number of months, critical drugs are already lacking on the market, including those used for chemotherapy or even certain endocrine treatments.

For its part, the Ministry of Health calls on the Banque du Liban to settle these arrears which, according to some sources, would refuse the governor of the Banque du Liban who considers that it is a question of not touching the minimum reserves of the central bank and which returns the ball to it.

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