Le siège du Grand Sérail avant l'explosion du Port de Beyrouth.
Le siège du Grand Sérail avant l'explosion du Port de Beyrouth.

Le mouvement Amal et le Hezbollah ont, à nouveau lors d’une réunion conjointe qui s’est déroulée au Sud Liban, appelé à la formation rapide d’un nouveau gouvernement capable de sauver le Liban de l’effondrement économique total, un processus actuellement au point mort en raison de différends entre présidence de la république et premier ministre désigné Saad Hariri. Ce dernier a quitté ce soir le Liban pour le Vatican où il devrait rencontrer le Pape François.

Les deux parties ont souligné la “nécessité d’agir immédiatement pour éliminer tous les obstacles qui empêchent la formation d’un gouvernement capable de sauver le Liban de dériver vers un effondrement total et de réaliser des réformes, de lutter contre la corruption et de répondre aux aspirations des Libanais à la montée d’un État de droit et d’institutions loin de la logique d’intérêts étroits, personnels et individuels”.

A country without a government as the economic crisis hits it hard

Lebanon has been without government since the resignation, on August 10, of outgoing Prime Minister Hassan Diab.

The formation of a new government is considered as one of the preconditions for the relaunch of negotiations with the International Monetary Fund in order to obtain the release of financial aid from the international community in the face of the economic crisis that Lebanon is going through.

Following Mustafa Adib’s failure to form a cabinet, former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who resigned following major protests in October 2019, was tasked with forming a new government in October 2020.

In an attempt to unblock the situation, the former prime minister promised the Amal movement to allocate the portfolio of the finance ministry to a member of the Shiite community. He also reiterated that Lebanon could do without a state of default, thus denying the gravity of the economic crisis however experienced by the population, with 55% of it now living below the poverty line while the economic recession has reached 29% according to some reports for the year 2020.

However, Saad Hariri’s proposals for an 18-member cabinet clash with the Presidency of the Republic, who points out that if the Shiite and Sunni communities choose their representatives, the Christian representatives in the new cabinet would also be chosen by the former. designated minister. General Aoun de facto considers that the current proposals of the Prime Minister contravene both the Lebanese constitution and the national pact.

The latter, for his part, accuses the head of state of wanting to obtain a blocking third party within his new cabinet.

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