Photo Credit: NNA

The order of pharmacists has decided to close a general strike movement this Friday to protest against the deteriorating conditions and the shortages of drugs or infant milk that is currently affecting Lebanon.

Also, the order of pharmacists intends to protest against the sale of some of these products on the black market, at much higher prices.

Also, the order of pharmacists accuses drug importers of being unable to deliver the drugs necessary to patients suffering in particular from chronic diseases for more than a month. These would include drugs for people suffering from diabetes, blood pressure problems or people on antidepressant treatment. Medicines used against fever, including paracetamol, have also disappeared from the shelves.

Our stock of infant formula is completely exhausted. However, we find this milk available on social media pages at double the price. Some monopolize it in cooperation and coordination with certain traders or those who work with them
Press release from the Council of the Order of Physicians

They therefore call on those in charge of the health and medical sector to act, believing that the health, medicines and food security of Lebanon are seriously threatened.

In addition, many hospitals have announced that they have to put in place measures to ration patient tests and no longer take care of outpatients but only internal patients, due to a shortage of certain types of reagents, materials or even drugs. They also asked doctors to ration the tests requested.

This information comes at a time when the Banque du Liban indicated that it could no longer support subsidies for the purchase of drugs or other basic necessities, due to a lack of sufficient available monetary reserve.

Newsdesk Libnanews
Libnanews est un site d'informations en français sur le Liban né d'une initiative citoyenne et présent sur la toile depuis 2006. Notre site est un média citoyen basé à l’étranger, et formé uniquement de jeunes bénévoles de divers horizons politiques, œuvrant ensemble pour la promotion d’une information factuelle neutre, refusant tout financement d’un parti quelconque, pour préserver sa crédibilité dans le secteur de l’information.

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