Faced with a possible withdrawal of his candidacy, Prime Minister designate Saad Hariri has already announced that he will not appoint a successor who will have the heavy task of forming a government. He should also meet in the coming hours with the president of the chamber Nabih Berri to decide whether or not to maintain his candidacy to become the tenant of the Grand Seraglio again.

For the time being, the prime minister-designate could visit the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, this Friday to present him the same government of 24 members as the one that had already been rejected by Baabda. He considers that this formula of the cabinet contravenes the national pact since it is divided equally between the Christian community, Sunni and Shiite ministerial portfolios and not equally between Christian and Muslim community.

In addition, a dispute also arose between the 2 men concerning the allocation of key ministries of interior and justice while important cases are before the Lebanese justice such as investigations abroad relating to corruption. supposedly by some officials close to Saad Hariri or even the Beirut port issue in which relatives of the president of the chamber of deputies are allegedly involved.

For the time being, consultations are continuing between Saad Hariri and Nabih Berri, without however producing any concrete results.

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