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Tag: Hassan Diab

The first Minister appointed on 19 December 2019, he succeeded Saad Hariri as head of the government, having resigned since 29 October 2019 following major demonstrations that have taken place since the night of 17-18 October.
He resigned on 10 August 2020 following a tug-of-war with parliament over responsibility for the beirut port explosion on 4 August 2020. A few days earlier, Hassan Diab had raised the possibility of holding early parliamentary elections.

Hassan Diab served as Minister of Education and Higher Education from June 2011 to February 2014 in the government of Najib Mikati, of which he is considered a close friend. A chartered engineer at the Engineering Council, UK, certified by the National Professional Engineers Register, Australia, Hassan Diab is also Professor of Computer Engineering in the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the American University of Beirut (AUB).

His specialization in computer science includes cryptography on high-performance computer systems, reconfigurable computing, embedded systems, modeling and simulation of parallel processing systems, as well as simulation of systems using fuzzy logic control, and more recently, higher education in the MENA region.

He was founding dean of the College of Engineering and founding president in 2004-2006 of Dhofar University. In October 2006, he was appointed Vice-President of Regional External Programs (REP) at the AUB. He was also founding dean of the College of Engineering and founding president in 2004-2006 of Dhofar University.

In October 2006, he was appointed Vice-President of Regional External Programs (REP) at the AUB.

He is the father of four children.

Lebanon pushed towards total collapse (Hassan Diab)

In an address to the nation, the outgoing Prime Minister Hassan Diab estimated that political calculations extinguish any glimmer of hope in Lebanon, while...

Lebanon / Crisis: Large queues at every gas station still open, including in the...

Large queues take place in front of each gas station still open in the capital Beirut and in the bordering regions, despite the words...

The law establishing ration cards soon before parliament

The outgoing government should soon present to parliament a new bill establishing the creation of ration cards for 750,000 vulnerable families to replace the...

Pas de levée des subventions sans programme de rationnement en faveur des personnes vulnérables...

De source médiatique, le premier ministre sortant Hassan Diab a refusé de suspendre le programme de subvention à l'achat des produits de première nécessité...

Le Premier Ministre libanais recherche un emploi au Qatar selon un journal libanais, ce...

Le premier ministre sortant Hassan Diab aurait déposé son curriculum vitae en vue d'obtenir un emploi d'enseigner au sein d'une université qariote, indiquent certaines...

Lebanon / Saudi Arabia: Drug shipment likely placed in Syria (MTV Lebanon)

The drug shipment behind the Saudi decision to ban the import of fruits and vegetables from Lebanon was not placed in Lebanon but in...

Towards an intensification of the fight against drug trafficking

The Lebanese authorities have indicated that they wish to step up the fight against drug trafficking following the decision of Saudi Arabia to ban...

Liban/Crise: Pas de levée du programme des subventions sans carte de rationnement, réitère Hassan...

Le premier ministre sortant Hassan Diab a estimé que le programme de subvention devrait se poursuivre tant qu'un programme alternatif de cartes prépayées ne...

L’audit juricomptable pour recouvrir le droit des libanais (Présidence)

Au début de la réunion du conseil de sécurité du Liban, le chef de l'État, après avoir reçu un rapport concernant l'état général du...

Liban/Israël: Le gouvernement appelé à amender le décret 6433

Le président de la commission parlementaire de la justice et de l'administration publique Georges Adwan a appelé ce mardi à une réunion immédiate du...

Diab au Qatar ce dimanche

Le premier ministre sortant Hassan Diab devrait se rendre au Qatar ce dimanche, à la tête d'une délégation parmi laquelle sera présent Lahoud Lahoud. Pour...
Les logos du Courant du Futur et du Courant Patriotique Libre

Le CPL répond à Hariri, l’accusant d’avoir écarté toute idée positive face à l’obstacle...

Le Courant Patriotique Libre a répondu ce mardi au Premier Ministre Saad Hariri, l'accusant d'avoir écarté toute idée positive" concernant la crise de la...

The President suspends the decree concerning the enlargement of the exclusive maritime zone

The President of the Republic announced the suspension of the decree expanding the Lebanese exclusive maritime zones on the eve of the arrival in...
The siege of the Grand Serail before the explosion of the Port of Beirut.

Cabinet secretariat transfers decree on demarcation of Lebanese maritime area to Presidency despite Israel’s...

The secretariat of the Council of Ministers referred Decree 6,433 concerning the demarcation of the Lebanese maritime zone to the Presidency of the Republic....
