Beirut, November 20, 2020: The Lebanese industry is an important driver of the economy despite being impacted by the growing pressures Lebanon is facing.

In this context, Banque BEMO launches the “Industrial Excellence Award”, in partnership with the Faculty of Business Administration and Management (FGM) at Saint Joseph University (USJ), striving to instill in the Lebanese Industry and the Lebanese economy at large, the necessity of Excellence and Exceptionalism, and ingrain the ethical values on which Lebanon should be built.

This initiative comes in line with the Bank’s duties, as well as its aim to help restoring faith in the Lebanese Economy, and alleviating the burden and challenges it is presently facing.

Our beginning of the year statement is more valid than ever:  “2020 is the year of courage; we want to become a source of hope for all the Lebanese people so that Lebanon rises again stronger and we overcome together the crisis”.

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