Lebanon participates in World Space Week 2019

Poster World Space Week Lebanon

World Space Week – the largest space event on Earth – takes place every year from October 4 to 10. The 2019 theme is “The Moon: Gateway to the Stars”, and Lebanon will be participating for the second time in this international event.

Various activities have been organized for World Space Week for all age groups, such as telescope observations, space related topic talks, space movie/documentary screenings, space themed games, workshops for kids and many more activities.

We officially invite everyone to join us in this celebration of space through participating in the many events and activities taking place across the country

If you would like to get involved, you can check out the schedule of activities which will be circulated across social media on the following channels:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WSWlebanon/

Instagram and Twitter: @wswlebanon

Additionally, if you would like to host a talk, workshop, event, or be involved in any way, please contact the National Coordinator Dr. Cyrine Nehme.

For more information, please contact the World Space Week National Coordinator, Dy. Cyrine Nehme via e-mail: [email protected], or visit the website at www.worldspaceweek.org

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