Accueil Etiquettes Israeli-Lebanese negotiations

Etiquette: Israeli-Lebanese negotiations

The President of the Republic calls for the liberation of the state in the...

Speaking on the occasion of Liberation Day, the day commemorating the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon, the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun...

South Lebanon: Attempted rocket fire and Israeli response

New incidents took place yesterday at around 11 p.m. in southern Lebanon after small Palestinian groups, said security sources, attempted to fire a six-round...

Don’t worry, I don’t have the coronavirus (Hassan Nasrallah)

Speaking on the occasion of Jerusalem Day, the Hezbollah secretary general said he was not suffering from the COVID19 coronavirus, contrary to some rumors....
  Libnanews Dossier Orange House Mona Khalil (5 sur 11)

Lebanon protests US conditions for resumption of negotiations with Israel

The Lebanese authorities are said to have protested against the United States' conditions for the resumption of Israeli-Lebanese negotiations aimed at delimiting the exclusive...
  The blue line, demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel, at Ras Naqoura. Photo credit: Francois el Bacha, for All rights reserved.

Resumption of talks between Lebanon and Israel

Negotiations aimed at delimiting the exclusive maritime zones between Lebanon and Israel resumed on Tuesday, May 4, with the arrival last night of American...

Israeli show of force in Lebanese skies

The Israeli air force carried out a show of force in Lebanese airspace in violation of UN Security Council resolution 1701 guaranteeing the sovereignty...
  Border post between Lebanon and Israel. Photo credit: François el Bacha for All rights reserved

Negotiations between Lebanon and Israel resume next week

Negotiations to delimit the exclusive maritime zones between Lebanon and Israel are expected to resume next week.Started in October 2020, they were interrupted...

Lebanon reiterates its wish to continue negotiations to delimit maritime zones with Israel

The office of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, issued a statement following the meeting between the Head of State and the...

The President suspends the decree concerning the enlargement of the exclusive maritime zone

The President of the Republic announced the suspension of the decree expanding the Lebanese exclusive maritime zones on the eve of the arrival in...
  Map of the area claimed by Lebanon and Israel. Photo credit: François el Bacha for All rights reserved.

Gas in area claimed by Lebanon and Israel, as negotiations set to resume

The MTV Lebanon television channel indicates that the potential presence of a large gas field in Block 9 could lead to the imminent reopening...